2 Days to go before the Cushendun Big Arts Weekend! The Big Arts Weekend kicks off on Friday 29 April with a SOLD OUT gig from John Spillane. There are tickets still available for all other events, and many where you can just drop in! Join us over the bank holiday weekend for some Big Arts family fun. There has been one change to the programme – the kids Glens Red Squirrel Group Fun will now be on on Saturday 30 April at 11am in Glenmona House – just pop along. Tickets are still available for our evening entertainment across Saturday, Sunday and Monday for Amanda St John, the Lurig Drama Group and the screening of ‘SIX’ respectively. Book online to secure your place. The full programme can be viewed here www.theoldchurchcentre.com/big-arts-weekend/ and if the event you want isn’t listed – that means it is free and no need to book so just come on ahead. There are plenty of events to engage, inspire and entertain, so why not drop in to the John Hewitt Society’s Poetry and Songs session, the adult singing workshop, meditative movement or the walking tour? Not only are there loads of events for adults, but lots for kids as well – here is a snapshot of the kids activities: Throughout the weekend, we will have two art exhibitions on show. In Glenmona House the annual Art Exhibition will be on display in the front room and in the Old Church Centre, the Conflict Textiles exhibition will run all weekend and feature a workshop from the collection curator, Roberta Bacic alongside artist Eileen Harrison. Book into the workshop where they will be making a Cushendun Arpillera here. It is an action packed weekend and we are hoping the sun will shine, so join us in Cushendun for the Big Arts Weekend. The event couldn’t have happened without the support from the Causeway Coast and Glens Council, we are grateful to them for the financial support. |