With the curtain rising in early December on our very own ‘take’ on Cinderella, it has been a busy season not only for the amazing cast but for set designers, make-up artists, costumiers,  sound-effects team (of one), and, of course, the more humble stage-hands, all of whom have conjured some truly spectacular effects from a very limited budget.

Written and directed by Cushendun resident Julie Kinsella, who brings to the task the expertise garnered from a long career in theatre, the show features a wide range of familiar local figures, who bring to their parts a great deal of liveliness and panache – and not a few of whom might be described as ‘characters’ off-stage as well as on!

No panto would be complete without a cat, and this particular kitty co-stars with her grandfather, who plays the fairy godmother – a generational mix that typifies the inclusive, cross-community appeal of what promises to be a spirited and entertaining production.